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This Icelandic Delicacy Is Made Using Rotten Shark
Many places have traditional foods, and, in Iceland, one of them is rotten Greenland shark.
More Pet Animal Stories
This Canadian lake creates strange frozen sculptures using dead animals
The insect has mechanical gears like bicycles
Malaysia's Crystal Mosque redefines what a mosque should look like
You Can Walk Through 50-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Soils In Oregon
These are 7 of the scariest roller coaster drops in the world
You fish for your dinner at this New York restaurant
This Restaurant Created A Roller Coaster - For Food
Top 5 mysterious holes on our planet
Australia has created an underground town with homes, restaurants and hotels
This English well turns teddy bears into stone
Go inside the world's deepest swimming pool
Wasp turns zombie caterpillar into its bodyguard
Scientists can levitate ants using acoustic tractor beam
Man hooked bathtubs to natural hot springs in middle of a desert
There's A Hidden Subway In The World's Most Powerful City
This female dragonfly has perfect response to annoying male
This Hotel Is Built Inside A Crane
Switzerland has epic train-swallowing mountains
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The 5-year-old island that refuses to die