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The world's most beautiful pool was carved by lava
There are some truly stunning manmade pools, but it’s tough to beat the ones created by nature.
More Pet Animal Stories
These goats produce spider silk
This restaurant serves pizza that's the size of a table
This cone snail is a fish's worst nightmare
America just opened its newest war veteran memorial and it's underwater
This Irish Company Just Unveiled Chicken Nugget Ice Cream
This underwater forest is home to ET-like creature
7 Unusual Hotels That Are Not On Land Or Water
There's A Hidden Subway In The World's Most Powerful City
This tiny hotel touches the sky
America has a restaurant where 'nurses' serve 20,000-calorie burgers
Go inside the world's deepest swimming pool
This remote hotel in Jordan looks like a Martian colony
Here's Why Airplane Windows Have Tiny Holes
Grand Canyon Fills With Ocean Of Clouds On Rare Occasions
Bison Roams Peacefully As Yellowstone Remains Closed To Visitors
This Amazing Toad Traveled 5 Miles On 3 Legs
This first view of Earth from space was taken from a captured German missile #science
Stunning Northern Lights in Iceland
The 5-year-old island that refuses to die
Daily Escape: Kayaking in Jasper National Park, Canada