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One of the world's scariest ladders takes you to an amazing view
Check out this legendary trail.
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Ever Heard Of Sea Cows? You Can Swim With Them In Florida
This tiny hotel touches the sky
You are prohibited from climbing this heavenly tower (unless you are a monk)
7 Creepy Sounds Recorded In Space By NASA
Daily Escape: Marrakech, Morocco
This meadow transforms into sea of luminescent 'flowers' at night
This pool is an optical illusion
This Barber Sets Your Hair On Fire For Styling
Daily Escape: Rainbow River, Colombia
20 Views On God From Famed Personalities
Daily Escape: Racing with dolphins in Johnstone Strait, Canada
America's Newest Roller Coaster Goes From 0 to 78 MPH In 2 Seconds
10 Fascinating Facts About Neil deGrasse Tyson
I'm never buying a doll again
This hotel lets you 'sleep with lions'
Daily Escape: San Francisco, California on a giant bicycle
UK Has A Bouncy Castle For Adults
Genetic mutation lets this man hold breath underwater for 13 minutes
100 Warships Were Sunk A Century Ago. Here's How Nature Has Responded
Humans are gone and Yosemite National Park looks better than ever