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The 'Ferris wheel' of boats
Falkirk, Scotland is home to the world’s only rotating boat lift.
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Daily Escape: Tuscan town of San Gimignano, Italy
See-Through Kayaking In Florida's Bioluminescent Waters Is Magical
This restaurant serves pizza that's the size of a table
There's a secret waterfall at the edge of America's Grand Canyon
You Can Rent This Dreamy Private Island On Airbnb For Just $145K Per Night
US Army develops 'third arm' for soldiers
The astonishing way this jellyfish self-repairs
An Extraordinary Underwater Restaurant Just Opened In Norway
Animals Of Different Species Are Meeting As Humans Stay Home
The lake with 'trampoline' islands
Daily Escape: Coastal city of Albufeira, Portugal
Forget Breakfast In Bed, This Amusement Park Offers Breakfast In A Ferris Wheel
7 Foods That Shouldn't Exist
Grand Canyon Fills With Ocean Of Clouds On Rare Occasions
Here's Why Airplane Windows Have Tiny Holes
Island has a storm that erupts 3 pm daily during season
10 Strangest Last Meal Requests On Death Row
The eerie sound of solar wind
There's A Hidden Underwater Park In California Full Of Sunken Boats And Barges
This English well turns teddy bears into stone