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Here's Why Airplane Windows Have Tiny Holes
Here's why planes have tiny window holes.
More Pet Animal Stories
Animals Of Different Species Are Meeting As Humans Stay Home
Scotland's Shetland Ponies Wearing Cardigans Is The Most Adorable Thing
This Might Be The World's Most Unusual Cocktail
The lake with 'trampoline' islands
This waterfall exists inside a Portuguese lake
5 beloved places that tourists have ruined
The world's biggest parking lot holds 4,000 U.S. military aircraft
Top 5 mysterious holes on our planet
Daily Escape: Waterfall in Schaffhauserland, Switzerland
These 10 Animals Were Found Trapped In Amber For Millions Of Years
You Can Now Spend The Night Inside A Giant (Fake) Potato
6 Terrifying Creatures Created By Humans
The world's largest ice cave in Austria
6 Ancient Animals Found Frozen In Ice
This is possibly the world's strangest house
Orangutans Go To School In Borneo, Indonesia
Watch this seahorse launch a strike in 1 millisecond
7 Unusual Hotels That Are Not On Land Or Water
There's A Hidden Subway In The World's Most Powerful City
Daily Escape: Cycling in Moab, Utah