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America has a restaurant where 'nurses' serve 20,000-calorie burgers
There’s a restaurant in America where waitresses wearing nurse outfits will serve you a 20,000-calorie burger.
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This Icelandic Delicacy Is Made Using Rotten Shark
This 'Skittles' waterfall can be found in Caliornia
For $1,500, You Can Fly Underwater Through Maldives In Personal Submarine
This park in America is home to magical moonbows
This Swiss Alps Hotel Doesn't Have Walls Or A Roof
America has a road that sings when you driver over it
Daily Escape: Cycling in Moab, Utah
A place where green icebergs exist
10 Superyachts Straight Out Of Your Dreams
UK Has A Bouncy Castle For Adults
You Can Now Spend The Night Inside A Giant (Fake) Potato
5 Underwater Creatures That Look Like Cartoons
This Building Is So Tall You Can Watch Two Sunsets Here On Same Day
The Weirdest Habits Of 6 Famous Billionaires
This park in America has cacti so big birds live in them
You Can Pay To Cuddle With A Cow At This Farm In New York
The lake with 'trampoline' islands
6 Ancient Animals Found Frozen In Ice
There's a secret waterfall at the edge of America's Grand Canyon
Using whistles, people talk like birds in this Turkish village