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This Restaurant Created A Roller Coaster - For Food
There’s a restaurant in the UK that has a roller coaster—for food.
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The insect has mechanical gears like bicycles
One of the world's scariest ladders takes you to an amazing view
Island has a storm that erupts 3 pm daily during season
This first view of Earth from space was taken from a captured German missile #science
The infinity pool hidden inside Indonesian forest
These goats produce spider silk
A restaurant in New Delhi is serving monster 4-foot dosas
The 'Ferris wheel' of boats
The plant that can count
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America has a road that sings when you driver over it
Ants deserve more respect
You'll never guess what's inside this hole in Portugal
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Australia has created an underground town with homes, restaurants and hotels
Ever Heard Of Sea Cows? You Can Swim With Them In Florida
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This Thai rooftop pool is what dreams are made of
UK Has A Bouncy Castle For Adults