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This natural rock has a cut so perfect people think Aliens did it
There’s a large rock in Saudi Arabia that looks like it’s been split in half by a laser.
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This slow-moving train is Vietnam's hottest travel attraction
You fish for your dinner at this New York restaurant
Australia has created an underground town with homes, restaurants and hotels
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Forget roller coasters, France lets your ride this mythical beast
You Can Walk Through 50-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Soils In Oregon
The world's most beautiful pool was carved by lava
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The infinity pool at the edge of a waterfall
This pool is an optical illusion
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This Italian church is a perfect escape from civilization
Animals Of Different Species Are Meeting As Humans Stay Home
This maybe the world's most dangerous road
Eiffel Tower Came Close To Being Demolished 110 Years Ago
Sticky Rice Is The Secret Ingredient That Holds Great Wall Of China Together
This Amazing Toad Traveled 5 Miles On 3 Legs