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A place where green icebergs exist
Talk of icebergs usually conjures images of majestic white and blue frozen masses rising up from frigid waters, but that’s not always how they look.
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2,000-Year-Old Bread That Was Found Amid Pompeii's Volcanic Ashes
6 Terrifying Creatures Created By Humans
You Can Now Spend The Night Inside A Giant (Fake) Potato
Daily Escape: Boating in Mexico
Switzerland has epic train-swallowing mountains
This hotel is demolished and rebuilt every year
President Trump’s 10 Weirdest Habits
10 Strangest Last Meal Requests On Death Row
Daily Escape: Tuscan town of San Gimignano, Italy
The Paris-sized impact crater hiding in Greenland
The world's most beautiful pool was carved by lava
This Town Uses Giant Mirrors To Steal Winter Sunlight
This Italian church is a perfect escape from civilization
The infinity pool at the edge of a waterfall
5 Possibilities For Humanity 1 Million Years Later
Island has a storm that erupts 3 pm daily during season
The lake with the bluest water
This Bird Has Been Flying 8,000 Miles Every Year To Be With Handicapped Mate
You'll never guess what's inside this hole in Portugal