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Ever Heard Of Sea Cows? You Can Swim With Them In Florida
There’s a place in Florida where you can swim with manatees.
More Pet Animal Stories
You fish for your dinner at this New York restaurant
What's It Like To Attend The 'World's Ugliest Dog' Competition
5 Of The Strangest NASA Flying Machines
The only living fort in the world is home to thousands of people
Forget roller coasters, France lets your ride this mythical beast
This cliff-side hotel has no roads
I'm never buying a doll again
A Hawaii Volcano Wiped Out Everything In Its Path But Created This New Black Sand Beach
London Big Ben's Secret To Keeping Accurate Time Is...Old Pennies
Astronaut floats free in space
This 'Skittles' waterfall can be found in Caliornia
7 Surprising Ways Coronavirus Will Change The World Forever
What's It Like To Ride The World’s Fastest, Tallest And Longest Dive Roller Coaster
This Restaurant Created A Roller Coaster - For Food
5 Reasons Humans May Be Living Inside A Simulated Universe
10 Strangest Last Meal Requests On Death Row
Would you go on this scary swing?
7 Mind-Bending Plants That'll Change How You See The World
Baby shark in egg case gets quiet amid predators
A restaurant in New Delhi is serving monster 4-foot dosas