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A sick cockatoo lost his human. Here's how the vet responded.
A sick cockatoo lost his human. Here's how the vet responded.
More Pet Animal Stories
This German Shepherd will forever look like a puppy
Rescued dwarf cat loves snuggling with her human family
At 33, this one-eyed bat may be the oldest in captivity
This baby koala is being hand-raised by humans
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Animals Of Different Species Are Meeting As Humans Stay Home
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Meet Vlad, The ‘Vampurr’ Kitty
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Happy raven wags tail like a dog
Deaf pittie rejected multiple times finally finds loving home
Once barely able to walk, this dog now hikes with human family
Human-Sized Yuki Is A Rare Wolfdog Hybrid
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Pit bull brothers become best friends after getting reunited
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This Pig Will Turn You Into A Vegetarian
This friendly fox laughs like a human baby