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Dog with permanent smile finds forever home
Dog with permanent smile finds forever home
More Pet Animal Stories
This 'Bear Cub' Is An Art Aficionado
This dog looks like the world's cutest lion
This German Shepherd will forever look like a puppy
Hairless Bunny Who Faced Euthanasia Is Now Melting Hearts
Deaf pittie rejected multiple times finally finds loving home
Puppy becomes blind, deaf sister's guide dog
The Dog With The 'World's Longest Nose'
Neglected blind Persian cat now lives like a princess
Bonnie lost part of her face but not zest for life
Meet Vlad, The ‘Vampurr’ Kitty
Man falls in love with blind lab goat
This Three-Legged Rescue Dog Heals Others
This baby koala is being hand-raised by humans
Rejected blind 'piglet' teaches kindness to others
This One-Eyed, Albino Rescue Dog
Sweet dog is obsessed with woman who saved her
Blind dog with bulging eyes wouldn't stop loving life
This Dog Is The Ultimate Survivor
This miniature horse is smaller than its dog friends
Happy raven wags tail like a dog