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You Can Pay To Cuddle With A Cow At This Farm In New York
There’s a place in New York that will let you cuddle with their cows.
More Pet Animal Stories
This Jurassic-age rock formation is so precious only 20 people are allowed to visit daily
7 Unusual Hotels That Are Not On Land Or Water
Would you stay in this hotel room suspended over a cliff?
The lake with the bluest water
These are 7 of the scariest roller coaster drops in the world
The infinity pool at the edge of a waterfall
A Man's Grave In Connecticut Is Covered With Dinosaur Tracks
Daily Escape: Rainbow River, Colombia
Nothing To See Here: Just People Blasting Down An Active Volcano
This waterfall exists inside a Portuguese lake
5 Humanoids That'll Make You Fall In Love With Robots
Here's Why Airplane Windows Have Tiny Holes
What happens when snake attacks frog embryos
This strange Japanese village has been taken over by dolls
This Is (Literally) The World's Hottest Street Snack
The astonishing way this jellyfish self-repairs
This Icelandic Delicacy Is Made Using Rotten Shark
This floating underwater hotel room is what dreams are made of
Top 10 Accidental Food Inventions
This pool is an optical illusion