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Woman adopts lonely senior tortoise after he lost his home
Woman adopts lonely senior tortoise after he lost his home
More Pet Animal Stories
This baby koala is being hand-raised by humans
Animals Of Different Species Are Meeting As Humans Stay Home
Bonnie lost part of her face but not zest for life
Kind fox adopts babies who lost mom
Starving puppy found in drain makes a total transformation
This raccoon won't leave family's home after falling from tree
Rescued wobbly dog is living the spoiled life
This German Shepherd will forever look like a puppy
Dog with permanent smile finds forever home
Don't You Dare Tell 'Lieutenant Dan' About Limitations
This 'Unicorn' Dog Was Abandoned After Accident At Birth
Meet The World's Most Well-Traveled Dog
This Is The 'Chewbacca' Of Dog World
Hairless Bunny Who Faced Euthanasia Is Now Melting Hearts
This once-173-pound dog was almost euthanized
Cat born by mistake is raising eyebrows
A sick cockatoo lost his human. Here's how the vet responded.
This One-Eyed, Albino Rescue Dog
Sweet cat will never get bigger than a kitten for sad reason
Squirrel paralyzed by hawk attack now living the best life