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Woman adopts lonely senior tortoise after he lost his home
Woman adopts lonely senior tortoise after he lost his home
More Pet Animal Stories
This Cat With No Earflaps Was Rescued From Streets
This 'Bear Cub' Is An Art Aficionado
Disabled backyard dog gets another chance at life
At 33, this one-eyed bat may be the oldest in captivity
A sick cockatoo lost his human. Here's how the vet responded.
This 'Unicorn' Dog Was Abandoned After Accident At Birth
Starving puppy found in drain makes a total transformation
This Sweet 'Oreo' Will Melt Your Heart
Abandoned pit bull found tied to a fence lives like royalty now
33-Pound Cat Is Unrecognizable After Weight Loss
This friendly fox laughs like a human baby
Once barely able to walk, this dog now hikes with human family
Rescued dwarf cat loves snuggling with her human family
Kind fox adopts babies who lost mom
This raccoon won't leave family's home after falling from tree
Beagle And Bunny Strike Unlikely Friendship
The Way This Cat Begs Would Render Any Owner Powerless
See the amazing transformation of dog dumped in parking lot
Dog Nearly Euthanized Becomes Ice Skater
Meet The World's Most Pampered Pooches