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Happy raven wags tail like a dog
This raven wags tail like a dog when happy.
More Pet Animal Stories
Rejected blind 'piglet' teaches kindness to others
This Fox Thinks She's A Dog
This giant lizard loves to nap on his human mom's face
Don't You Dare Tell 'Lieutenant Dan' About Limitations
Sweet cat will never get bigger than a kitten for sad reason
Man falls in love with blind lab goat
This Celebrity Hedgehog Lived Like A Fashionista
Meet The World's Most Well-Traveled Dog
Abused Blind Dog Now Living Her Best Life
This wobbly dog couldn't have asked for a better family
A sick cockatoo lost his human. Here's how the vet responded.
Disabled backyard dog gets another chance at life
This Two-Legged Dog Won't Stop Jumping With Joy
Stray dog who was almost put down finds the best family
'Saddest' cat is finally living the good life
Deaf pittie rejected multiple times finally finds loving home
Rescued dwarf cat loves snuggling with her human family
Dog with permanent smile finds forever home
This Rescue Cat Is Thriving Despite A Deformed Paw
Dog Nearly Euthanized Becomes Ice Skater