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10 Futuristic DARPA Technologies That Could Revolutionize World
Check out some projects by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
More Pet Animal Stories
This stone tower in the middle of ocean was part of a lost continent
You Can Now Spend The Night Inside A Giant (Fake) Potato
5 Underwater Creatures That Look Like Cartoons
This meadow transforms into sea of luminescent 'flowers' at night
This Is (Literally) The World's Hottest Street Snack
2,000-Year-Old Bread That Was Found Amid Pompeii's Volcanic Ashes
Wasp turns zombie caterpillar into its bodyguard
This cyborg locust sniffs out bombs
President Trump’s 10 Weirdest Habits
This pool is an optical illusion
This Jurassic-age rock formation is so precious only 20 people are allowed to visit daily
Would you stay in this hotel room suspended over a cliff?
These 10 Animals Were Found Trapped In Amber For Millions Of Years
World's 6 most dangerous islands
This Town Uses Giant Mirrors To Steal Winter Sunlight
Corals are geniuses
Singapore built a giant canopy park...inside an airport
This Rooftop Infinity Pool Overlooks New York's JFK Airport Runway
Australia has created an underground town with homes, restaurants and hotels
The 5-year-old island that refuses to die