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Your food is cooked in a volcano at this restaurant
If you like a bit of drama with your dinner, there’s a restaurant on Spain’s Canary Islands that has you covered.
More Pet Animal Stories
Think dolls are cute? You won't after hiking this trail
Switzerland has epic train-swallowing mountains
Watch cornstarch dance in space
The winery under the ocean
5 Extinct Animals That Scientists May Bring Back To Life
This Jurassic-age rock formation is so precious only 20 people are allowed to visit daily
Daily Escape: Racing with dolphins in Johnstone Strait, Canada
For $1,500, You Can Fly Underwater Through Maldives In Personal Submarine
This Restaurant Created A Roller Coaster - For Food
Psst, we found heaven on Earth
This Building Is So Tall You Can Watch Two Sunsets Here On Same Day
The astonishing way this jellyfish self-repairs
The world's tallest indoor waterfall exists inside...an airport
The 'Ferris wheel' of boats
Forget roller coasters, France lets your ride this mythical beast
This Is (Literally) The World's Hottest Street Snack
This restaurant serves pizza that's the size of a table
Here's What It's Like To Experience The World's Highest Cliff Jump
I'm never buying a doll again
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