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Marine Drive
Where locals go to take a break from the megapolis called Mumbai.
More Pet Animal Stories
Puerto Rico's Shores Are Inhabited By Psychedelic Jellyfish But You Can't Visit Them
8 American Habits That Outsiders Don't Understand
Scotland's Shetland Ponies Wearing Cardigans Is The Most Adorable Thing
An Extraordinary Underwater Restaurant Just Opened In Norway
The $5.5M floating mansion
There's a secret waterfall at the edge of America's Grand Canyon
This Ice Cream Shop Has Redefined Popsicles
Leaving The Real Animals Alone, This German Circus Uses Holograms Instead
10 Hilarious Faceoffs Between Cops And Animals
Watch this seahorse launch a strike in 1 millisecond
Swinging In Estonia Is No Child's Play
America has a restaurant where 'nurses' serve 20,000-calorie burgers
Daily Escape: Dog goes kayaking in Vancouver, Canada
US Army develops 'third arm' for soldiers
This pool is an optical illusion
The winery under the ocean
This blind woman can see moving objects
This Barber Sets Your Hair On Fire For Styling
This glass hotel room hangs from a cliff
The fish responsible for human race