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Flower Market
Many popular and unique varieties of flowers are found at the market by the Seine.
More Pet Animal Stories
Daily Escape: Riding a sea scooter in Mauritius
What's It Like To Attend The 'World's Ugliest Dog' Competition
These goats produce spider silk
Ever Heard Of Sea Cows? You Can Swim With Them In Florida
The eerie sound of solar wind
Psst, we found heaven on Earth
Daily Escape: Boating in Mexico
This Jurassic-age rock formation is so precious only 20 people are allowed to visit daily
This Canadian lake creates strange frozen sculptures using dead animals
This waterfall exists inside a Portuguese lake
Denmark doesn't have mountains so it built a ski resort on top of power plant
This Bird Has Been Flying 8,000 Miles Every Year To Be With Handicapped Mate
What happens when snake attacks frog embryos
The infinity pool hidden inside Indonesian forest
You are prohibited from climbing this heavenly tower (unless you are a monk)
The lake with the bluest water
Mother's Day: Just 11 Animal Moms Being Amazing
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Orangutans Go To School In Borneo, Indonesia
5 Of The Strangest NASA Flying Machines